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Do you have a question about career exploration, networking, applying, interviewing, negotiating, or anything else related to your career or professional development? Our team is offering one-on-one virtual appointments to work with you.

Register for a Career Conversation with a member of our team: February appointments

The Professional Development Team

Brian Rybarczyk
Brian Rybarczyk
Vanessa Doriott Anderson
Vanessa Doriott Anderson
Katie Stember


Brian Rybarczyk, PhD -Associate Dean, Professional Development
Bynum Hall, Room 215

Areas of focus: cover letters, STEM, faculty and altac careers, interviewing, minority-serving institutions, diversity and inclusion in higher education, postdoctoral positions, undergraduate teaching, experiential learning.

Brian Rybarczyk has over a decade of experience in assisting graduate and professional students in career and professional development as well as research initiatives. In his role as Associate Dean, he oversees implementation of professional, career development, and fellowship programs administered by The Graduate School. He develops and implements graduate funding policies and oversees the review processes for a dozen fellowships, awards, plus several grants, scholarships and assistantships annually administered by The Graduate School. He is also an active member of the Graduate Career Consortium. Prior to coming to UNC, Brian obtained his bachelors and Ph.D. at the University of Rochester. To learn more about his current involvements head to the Graduate School Directory.

Vanessa Doriott Anderson, PhD – Assistant Dean, Academic and Career Development
Graduate Student Center, Room 101

Areas of focus: cover letters, humanities/social sciences, nonfaculty careers, research communication, interviewing, small liberal arts colleges, academic publishing, visual communication, teaching and learning, professional brand

In her role as Assistant Dean for Academic and Career Development, Vanessa Doriott Anderson leads workshops and teaches courses that develop students’ ability to build their professional brand, communicate their value, and pursue their chosen career. She is also an active member of the Graduate Career Consortium. Vanessa received her B.A. from Macalester College, her M.A. from the University of Minnesota—Twin Cities, and her Ph.D. from Duke University. She has previously worked with graduate students at NC State and Duke Universities and was a faculty member in French. Her academic specialization in twentieth-century autobiography informs her work with graduate students who seek to shape their many varied skills and experiences into a coherent professional narrative. To learn more about her current involvements head to the Graduate School Directory.

Katie Stember, PhD – Director, Experiential Learning
Graduate Student Center, Room 203

Areas of focus: resume/CV/cover letter review, interviewing, networking, STEM, science communication, nonfaculty careers, experiential learning

In her role as Director of Experiential Learning, Katie Stember leads the Bridge Beyond Carolina summer internship program and teaches the GRAD 727: Team Collaboration course. She is tasked with expanding experiential learning opportunities for graduate students, especially for students who don’t currently have access. Prior to joining the Graduate School team, Katie served as Director for Life Science Economic Development at the North Carolina Biotechnology Center. She received her B.S. in Behavioral Neuroscience from Northeastern University and her Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Pathology from UNC-Chapel Hill. Katie’s experiences as a former graduate student at UNC and her partnerships with growing North Carolina companies inform her work with graduate students as they explore professional development and career opportunities.